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The Eucharist the new Bread of the Presence

  • God’s visible presence with his people: the bread of the Presence is symbolic (Ex 25:30) of the Glory Cloud in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle (Ex 40:34-35) and in the first Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kgs 8:10-11); the Eucharist is Jesus's real presence (Mt 26:26 & Jn 6:48-51) at mass and in church tabernacles throughout the world.

  • Bread accompanied with wine (Ex 25:29 & Lk 22:19-20)

  • Memorial of sealing an eternal covenant: God's covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai (Lev 24:7-8); Jesus’s new covenant with us (Lk 22:19-20)

  • Sacrificed: a food offering to God (Lev 24:7); Jesus offered his body and blood for us (Lk 22:19-20)

  • Eaten by: Levitical priests only (Lev 24:9); the Church (Mt 26:26 & Jn 6:51,56)


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