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Image by Folco Masi

Peter the new Eliakim

Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Isaiah 22:20-25

  • Appointed by God (Is 22:20 & Mt 16:19)

  • Second to the king: Eliakim as steward of king David's palace (Is 22:15,21); Peter and his faith as the rock of Jesus's Church (Mt 16:18)

  • Father of many: Eliakim to the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Is 22:21); Peter as the spiritual father of the Church (Mt 16:18)

  • Given keys to an institutional office (has succession): Eliakim to David’s palace (Is 22:22); Peter to the kingdom of heaven, the Church (Mt 16:19)

  • Given authority: Eliakim to open and shut (Is 22:22); Peter to bind and loose (Mt 16:19)

  • Symbolised as an object: Eliakim as a peg (Is 22:23); Peter as a rock (Mt 16:18)

  • Duration of institutional office: Eliakim's does not last (Is 22:25); Peter's prevails (Mt 16:18)

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