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Image by Folco Masi

Peter the new Eliakim

Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Isaiah 22:20-25



Appointed by God

to replace Shebna as steward of the king's household (Is 22:20)

to build Jesus's Church (Mt 16:19)

Given keys to a house (has succession)

to the house of David (Is 22:22)

to the kingdom of heaven, the Church (Mt 16:19)

Given authority

to open and shut (Is 22:22)

to bind and loose (Mt 16:19)

First representative of the king

met with the invading Assyrian army who was calling for the king (2 Kg 18:17-37) and was sent by king Hezekiah to prophet Isaiah (2 Kg 19:1-7)

organised the replacement for Judas (Acts 1:15-17,20-22); preached to the crowds at Pentecost resulting in the first converts of the Church (Acts 2:14-41); performed the first healing of the Church (Acts 3:1-8); spoke before the Jewish Council (Acts 4:8-12); baptised the first Gentiles (Acts 10); led the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:6-11)

Father of many

to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the house of Judah (Is 22:21)

as the spiritual father of the Church (Mt 16:18)

Symbolised as an object

as a peg (Is 22:23)

as a rock (Mt 16:18)

Duration of their position of authority

does not last - the secure peg gave way (Is 22:25)

prevails (Mt 16:18)

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