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The Angel of the LORD

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Possibly the pre-incarnate Jesus, the Word of God

  • Spoke as God: to Hagar to multiply her offspring (Gen 16:7-12); to Abraham during the sacrifice of Isaac (Gen 22:11-18); to Moses in the burning bush at Mount Sinai (Ex 3:2-6); to Balaam to speak his words to Balak, an enemy of Israel (Num 22:35-38); to Israel that he brought them out of Egypt and would not break his covenant with them (Jdg 2:1-6); to Gideon to save Israel from the Midianites (Jdg 6:11-24); to Samson's parents before his birth (Jdg 13:3-22); to Joshua, the high priest, forgiving his sins (Zech 3)

  • Identified as God: by Hagar (Gen 16:13); by Balaam that he spoke God's word (Num 22:38); by Gideon that he would die having seen the Angel of the LORD (Jdg 6:22-23); by Manoah, Samson's father, that he would die having seen the face of God (Jdg 13:21-22)

  • Saved Israel out of Egypt: LORD God (Ex 13:40); Angel of the LORD (Ex 23:20; Jdg 2:1); Jesus (Jude 5)


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