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I was in Cusco, Peru and saw a statue of Christ illuminated in the night

Jesus the new Samson

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Birth announced by an angel

the angel of the LORD to Samson's mother (Jdg 13:3)

angel Gabriel to Mary (Lk 1:26-31)

Born to be a saviour

save Israel from the Philistines (Jdg 13:7)

save us from our sins (Mt 1:21)

The Holy Spirit was upon him

to stir him to action (Jdg 13:25) to kill the lion (Jdg 14:6), to kill his enemies (Jdg 14:19) and to break free from his bonds (Jdg 15:14)

at his baptism in the River Jordan (Mt 3:16-17)

Resisted temptations three times

lied to Delilah about the secret of his strength (Jdg 16:4-14) but told her the truth on the fourth attempt (Jdg 16:15-18)

when in the wilderness for 40 days and nights (Lk 4:1-13)

Betrayed for silver

by Delihah (Jdg 16:5)

by Judas (Mt 26:15)

Suffered ill-treatment

blinded, shackled, imprisoned and mocked by the Philistines (Jdg 16:21-25)

arrested, beaten, blindfolded, scourged and mocked (Lk 22:64 & Mt 27:26-31)

Died with arms outstretched

between two pillars (Jdg 16:29-30)

on the cross (Mt 27:50)

His death overcame his enemies

his death killed many Philistines (Jdg 16:30)

his death brought forgiveness of sins (Mt 26:28)

  • Birth announced by an angel: the angel of the LORD to Samson's mother (Jdg 13:3); angel Gabriel to Mary (Lk 1:26-31)

  • Born to be a saviour: Samson to save Israel from the Philistines (Jdg 13:7); Jesus to save us from our sins (Mt 1:21)

  • The Holy Spirit was upon him: to stir Samson to action (Jdg 13:25) to kill the lion (Jdg 14:6), to kill his enemies (Jdg 14:19) and to break free from his bonds (Jdg 15:14); at Jesus's baptism in the River Jordan (Mt 3:16-17)

  • Resisted temptations three times: Samson lied to Delilah about the secret of his strength (Jdg 16:4-14) but told her the truth on the fourth attempt (Jdg 16:15-18); Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days and nights (Lk 4:1-13)

  • Betrayed for silver: Samson by Delihah (Jdg 16:5); Jesus by Judas (Mt 26:15)

  • Suffered ill-treatment: Samson was blinded, shackled, imprisoned and mocked by the Philistines (Jdg 16:21-25); Jesus was arrested, beaten, blindfolded, scourged and mocked (Lk 22:64 & Mt 27:26-31)

  • Died with arms outstretched: Samson between two pillars (Jdg 16:29-30); Jesus on the cross (Mt 27:50)

  • His death overcame his enemies: Samson's death killed many Philistines (Jdg 16:30); Jesus's death brought forgiveness of sins (Mt 26:28)


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