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I was in Cusco, Peru and saw a statue of Christ illuminated in the night

Jesus the new Joshua

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YHWH saves

meaning of Joshua / Yehoshua

meaning of Jesus / Yeshua (Mt 1:21)

Started mission at the River Jordan

before entering the promised land (Josh 3:17)

his baptism before proclaiming the kingdom of heaven (Mt 3:13-17)

Provided witnesses of entry into promised land

twelve memorial stones laid after crossing the River Jordan (Josh 4:1-8)

the twelve apostles witness of Jesus's resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:8)

Fight enemies to enter the promised land

with the army of Israel to conquer the land of Canaan (Josh 6, 8, 10, 11)

his army the Church, the new Israel battles sin for us to enter heaven (1 Pet 5:8-10)

  • YHWH saves: meaning of Joshua / Yehoshua and Jesus / Yeshua (Mt 1:21)

  • Start of mission at the River Jordan: Joshua before entering the promised land (Josh 3:17); baptism of Jesus before proclaiming the kingdom of heaven (Mt 3:13-17)

  • Provided witnesses of entry into promised land: twelve memorial stones laid after crossing the River Jordan (Josh 4:1-8); the twelve apostles to Jesus's resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:8)

  • Fight enemies to enter the promised land: Joshua with the army of Israel to conquer the land of Canaan (Josh 6, 8, 10, 11); Jesus with his army the Church, the new Israel battles sin for us to enter heaven (1 Pet 5:8-10)


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